Wednesday, April 12, 2023

SEKARC Meeting April 29th

Just a reminder and additional information for our club meeting on Saturday April 29th at 9am in the Fire Station#1 Training Room in Pittsburg. The address is 911 W 4th, and most of the parking is in the rear and enter on the east end.


Like the good ol' days we will have coffee but this time it will be (donated by Home Brew Coffee), a coffee company started by HAMS! There will be breakfast casserole and donuts! We have a few topics like Club Elections, Field Day 2023, planning a Foxhunt and other ideas.

It was suggested that after the meeting, those that want to will head to Lincoln Park West of KiddieLand and set up some radios in the park! Let's make it a ham radio Saturday! If you want to, bring your portable setup in the the meeting and share it with the group. 

What are you thoughts on the May meeting? For sure we will have to finalize some Field Day plans since that is the last meeting before Field Day which is June 24th-25th.

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