Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Radio 73 Website and Ham Radio Music?

Great new site I found.. check it out !! The site is developing but has 4 great Ham Radio songs on YouTube. Al of them are very well done!!

RADIO73 Website



Monday, July 15, 2024

K3LR Superstation - My Drive By On I-80

Driving back home from our trip to New Hampshire, Maine and Canada, we were driving towards home, through western Pennsylvania on I-80 a few miles from the western border with Ohio we saw a most impressive antenna farm. I first I saw one tower and I thought it was just a commercial tower I saw over the trees. Then as we got a better view I could see multiple towers and multiple huge beams on most of them. While traveling I did some web research and located the stations call sign. Then after getting home I found several sites for reference and I hope you enjoy these.

Click To Enlarge

The control ability and management of this system is incredible. I am posting below some links that go into details and videos that show this station... antennas and the shack itself. 

I emailed Tim K3LR about additional information on the towers and this is his reply...

"The two tall towers support antennas at 275 feet and 245 feet. Both amateur radio towers are painted, lit and monitored as per the FAA. The towers have been approved by the FAA and registered with the FCC.

The shorter towers are all under 200 feet. There are 14 towers in all. I am looking forward to reading your article.

The next time you are in the area – let me know and you can stop by and I’ll give you a tour."

Check this out and study this incredible contesting station! Very impressive and I might take him up on the offer next time we head to Maine!

Here is the K3LR Website K3LR Website

Here is a link to the station hardware  K3LR HARDWARE LIST

Randy K7AGE recorded his visit..


Here is a drone flyover of the antennas...


Here is another...


Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Hello SEKARC !
Well as many of you know... the timing on Field Day this year is very bad for several of our key FD players as many of us will be out of town or unavailable.. So we will not be having a Field Day site at the museum this year....BUT, Tim N5STR has graciously agreed to host a Field Day that all of those interested may help with, operate with, log with and maybe just hang out with!

It will be held at the Barton County EOC center in LAMAR MO with map below... Setup will begin Sat morning at 10am if you would like to help out! It will be odd but this is the first one missed in 10+ years is pretty good for the SEKARC !?

Contact Tim N5STR if you have questions...