Thursday, September 24, 2020


SEKARC for several years has met at Harry's Cafe every Wednesday at 9am.... then Covid came along. Some have expressed interest in getting back together so we thought we would try something a little different. Let's have a BYOC or Bring Your Own Coffee QSO Wednesdays at 9am. 

Also, while we are at it maybe have a little tailgate/trade at the same time. While reducing boxes and tubs in my garage I came up with a tub of stuff I don't need but someone might so if you have something to pass on, giveaway, sell or trade while we are drinking our to go coffee and eating breakfast in a paper wrapper. Not the same as Harry's fresh breakfast on a hot plate but under the conditions this might be a good bet. 

Of course masks and social distancing will be requested so bring a lawn chair or sit at the picnic tables at Lincoln Park. We will meet just West of Kiddieland. Heck if you want to and the weather cooperates bring a radio and antenna and set it up! 

So grab breakfast and coffee on the way, dig through your stuff and find some stuff to bring along to see if someone needs it. I have a tub full, and I bet a lot of us do. We understand if you are not up to it or would rather not. Let's all stay safe but still have fun if we can.


  1. Sounds great, Jeff. Oh, I leave for Maine on Wednesday for at least a month. How's that for social distancing! Have fun.

  2. Flying or driving, Dale? Got any "stowaway" space? Love to tag along, if only in spirit :) Enjoy & be safe ! 73

    1. Dick, I'll be flying Southwest. Hoping for a near empty plane.Supposedly they have hospital quality HEPA filters and fresh air circulating in their planes. Mask, gloves,goggles for ne

    2. Dick, I'll be flying Southwest. Hoping for a near empty plane.Supposedly they have hospital quality HEPA filters and fresh air circulating in their planes. Mask, gloves,goggles for ne

  3. Sounds like fun, Jeff - and well thought out for safety :) Being an OLD guy, though, and sort of a "paranoid Pete", I'm severely limiting in-person contacts. Hope you and everyone else has a great time :) 73


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