Saturday was a perfect day for radio in the park. We had a nice breakfast at Hardee's then about 10am headed in a caravan to Lincoln Park west of Kiddieland and set up radios and antennas. We had 5 radios and 5 antennas setup. We did learn some modifications we needed to make to the top mount piece for attaching antennas to the tripod mast that the club purchased. Seems the poles have to be fed opposite of what we thought when I made the bracket. We will examine that and come up with a better fit and method.
Since it was the WWDX Contest weekend there was LOTS and LOTS of DX on the air. Guess the bad solar cycle took the day off? Anyway there were lots of contacts out there and most stations had some DX. See the photos below and read about where they contacted and gear they used. Also special thanks to Steve N5SD and Ron KBØNRG for help with setup!
Jack WDØCFH was QRP CW and reached several states using 5 watts and an endfed wire up to his fishing pole |
Adam KEØMXG had his nice FT8 setup going into a homebrew 80-6 endfed suspended from a tree and contacted Germany, Slovenia and South Africa |
On the clubs gobox Jeff KAØEGE qso'd with Portugal and Steve NØSLT contacted Costa Rica using the 20m Inverted Vee on the clubs mast setup. |
Matt KØVLL was using a fishing pole vertical and after a radio switch he was abvle to QSO with Croatia, Canada and a few states. |
Milton KEØCZR and Willis KØSMK using a wire dipole in a tree let out a cheer when they were able to contact Hawaii ! |
Listen to how clear the DX was coming in !!
Great day in the park ..... need to do it again before Jack Frost takes over the rest of the year. 👍