Saturday, January 31, 2015


Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network was our guest today at the January meeting of SEKARC! Henry WØIR and Anna WØAJM Monton from Wichita, and Steve Lester KDØEKS and Mike Asselta KDØCDQ from the Kansas City area gave the group an informative presentation and tour of the Communication Vehicle. Loren KDØRTX and I KAØEGE are fairly new members of SATERN and a few at the meeting either signed up or expressed interest in the organization.

Be there when needed, serve all of the people and LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN were the themes of their message. They told of what type of service is provided, required training and also some good to have training were listed and all of them offered their help if we have questions. I will include some important links below the slideshow for those that need more. If you would like to contact them and have trouble with that, then send us an email and we will get you in touch!

If the slide show below does not function, try THIS LINK !

Website for the National SATERN group

SATERN for KS and Western MO

I will be checking on available training in our area. One thing we did not touch on today is that some of the required training MAY be available online now via special invited link. I will post more info that I find out on the Group Email Board.

If you have 20m privelidges, try to check in to the National daily net on 14.265 9am until time changes and you can early check in after 8:30! Here is a copy of some of the info they delivered with activity and contact information, You can click on these image to enlarge them!

I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed the meeting, the information and the real BREAKFAST !! A special thanks to the SATERN team that took time out of their Saturday to come to Pittsburg and talk with us! THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!

1 comment:

  1. A very interesting program. I didn't know the Salvation Army did so many things. The breakfast was really great ...... We are growing.

    Jack ..... WD0CFH


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