Friday, March 22, 2024

March Meeting SEKARC

Hello everyone, it's time again to get together. We have lot's to discuss from Band Pass Filters for Field Days to what activity should we plan for April? Fire Station#1 in Pittsburg at 911 W 4th Street March 30th and we will begin at 10am (new time) and of course we will have the breakfast casserole, coffee, donuts etc etc. 

We will email the agenda out the day before so stay tuned. I know it's Easter weekend but hopefully you can all get away for a couple of hours on this Saturday!

Here are some photos from last months meeting. Including the award presentation for Ralph NØOTS for his outstanding VE work !!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Cool HamClock Package


This thing is all over YouTube !! Check this out.. might be a fun addition to your shack? Here are two different videos for you to watch!


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

New POTA/Field EFHW Antenna

This looks like a super easy antenna to deploy in the field. Or even a back up antenna to have on hand in case of emergency needs.

 Links from the video:

Reel-POTA-able Antenna 

Spiderbeams Mast

Hitch Mount for Mast Holder -