Friday, May 26, 2023

Great 10m QSO Memory from 1999

Oregon to Tennessee on 1/2 a watt and a breadboard!

With all of the recent hot activity on 10m I thought this story would be fun to share. One of the guys in this QSO had just finished building on breadboards his receiver and transmitter.... heard a call and went for it !!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

New FTM-500D First Power Up

Here is a first power up video from Ham Radio Outlet for the brand new Yaesu FTM-500D radio! This is the new top of the line mobile that looks very nice! I really like the new slide in/out mounting bracket. Break your piggy bank and order one of these beauties.... and write a review for our website!

Friday, May 5, 2023

NASA Help Wanted

"Communication is possible due to interactions between our Sun and the ionosphere, the ionized region of the Earth’s atmosphere located roughly 80 to 1000 km overhead. The upcoming eclipses (October 14, 2023, and April 8, 2024) provide unique opportunities to study these interactions. As you and other HamSCI members transmit, receive, and record signals across the radio spectrum during the eclipse, you will create valuable data to test computer models of the ionosphere."

This Hackaday website provides information and links where all ham operators can contribute to the research being done. By the way if you are not familiar with the Hackaday Site.... you are missing out. Check it all out!

Monday, May 1, 2023

New SEKARC Officers For 2023-2024

We had a great meeting Saturday back at the fire station. Breakfast was completely eaten, donuts courtesy of Barb Tandy, or Steve Tandy or Terry Jackson? There was some confusion with the credit card haha! Great coffee courtesy of Home Brew Coffee and also thanks to them we had a door prize winner of a Home Brew Coffee Mug, Bill WBØLXZ!

Lot's of updates since we haven't met in so long but most importantly we have made some pending decisions on Field Day 2023 so stay tuned for updates on that. Tyler gave a complete Repeater update along with information on the status of the ARES/AuxComm progress.

We elected new officers for 2023 and 2024. Matt Kassawara KGØW was elected Club President, Steve Tandy NØSLT Vice President and Jeff Chancey KAØEGE Secretary/Treasurer. Matt KØVLL continues as our VE Coordinator. Congratulations to the new faces.