Sunday, January 28, 2018

SEKARC Winter Field Day Results

Great job by everyone involved. SEKARC hit it out of the park again! Here are some numbers and some photos from the event. A big THANK YOU to all. A special thanks goes out to John ADØKA for the use of his propane generator, that thing was a CHAMP !!

It was a great test run for the GoBox. We found some things we need to adjust to the setup like a headphone jack option, we need an SD card for the ft-891 to record CQ calls, and the tuner needs to be tested further. There were a few other things so if you operated it this weekend and have some ideas please let us know.

Here are the stats for K0SEK Winter Field Day 2018

 K0SEK's Contest Summary Report for WFD
 Created by N3FJP's Winter Field Day Contest Log
 Version 2.1

 Total Contacts = 409
 Total Points = 2,405

 Operating Period: 2018/01/27 19:08 - 2018/01/28 18:55

 Total op time (breaks > 30 min deducted): 9:51:41
 Total op time (breaks > 60 min deducted): 11:56:33

 Avg Qs/Hr (breaks > 30 min deducted): 41.5

 Total Contacts by Band and Mode:

 Band        CW   Phone   Dig   Total     %
 ----          --       -----        ---     -----     ---
   80           0      199         0       199      49
   40           0      108         21     129      32
   20           0      30           51     81        20
            --   -----     ---   -----     ---
 Total         0      337         72     409     100

Monday, January 22, 2018

January Meeting - Election of Officers

On Saturday January 27th the SEKARC will be holding it's January Meeting at 9am. The topics will be the Election of Officers for 2018/2019 and upcoming special events for the mining history. See the post on the webpage for details. We will have the regular breakfast casserole, donuts and coffee!

Special thanks go out to Joe WØMQY and Jack WDØCFH for the time as president and vice president the last 4 years. They served with honor and we all appreciate their time! If you would like to be considered for an office let us know! You can email the club at @

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Winter Field Day 2018 event by the SEKARC will be January 27th and 28th. Here are some details and more info on this site WINTERFIELDDAY. So come to the January SEKARC meeting and election of officers held at Fire Station #1 at 9am then head over to the site. We will be operating from the shelter by the entrance.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Getting Started in Digital Modes

This is a great introduction to Digital modes and how to set them up. Great for new hams and experienced hams just starting on digital.

From the QRP School YouTube page...

This comprehensive video explains the concept behind amateur radio digital modes and describes the hardware and cabling required to get started.  This video lays the groundwork for future, in-depth videos that will demonstrate  RTTY, PSK31, JT65, and Winlink.

I explain the audio cables that are required for those who want to make their own cables.  I also show the inner workings of a Signalink box and recommend that most people purchase a Signalink or Rig Blaster external sound card in order to resolve the audio and push-to-talk cabling issues.

Here is a link to the QRP School YouTube Channel !!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Your SDR Dongle/Upconverter In A Closet?

This is interesting.... MFJ created the MFJ-1708 SDR.

One of the issues commonly faced by hams is how to protect sensitive receivers in the vicinity of radio transmitters. One popular solution for those who wish to build a pan adapter or just want to protect their RSP which is operated nearby a rig is the MFJ-1708. The MFJ-1708 is a T/R (Transmit/Receive) switch which can isolate the RSP while the transmitter is being keyed.