Monday, August 29, 2016

JARC Hamfest 2016 was GREAT !

Once again the Joplin Amateur Radio Club pulled off a great hamfest. Sure there were some facility issies but overall it was another great hamfest! Our SEKARC table was right across the isle from Bob Heil K9EID so we had lot's of people in the area!

Here are some photos I took. If you took some and want me to add to the post then send them to me and I will post them here!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

2016 JARC Hamfest Saturday !!

We hope to see you all there on Saturday! This is always a great event, with lot's interesting vendors and local hams buying, selling and having fun!

Here is a link to the post from last years JARC Hamfest !

And here is a link to the flyer for the event JARC Hamfest Flyer !

Monday, August 8, 2016

Great Breakfast Meeting

If you missed it, we had a great time. Good Coffee, good food and good friends. Look for plans coming up on the September meeting. Perhaps it will be cool enough to go to the park after the meeting? If anyone has ideas for a presentation, topic or special guests please send them our way!

The next meeting will be taken up by the Joplin ARC HamFest!! But we still have our weekly coffee at Spellbound on Wednesdays at 9am!