Monday, September 16, 2013

SWR Simplified in 1959

Here is another gem taken from the Larry's List email that I have mentioned before. This is a great demonstration of waves of all kinds and specifically explains SWR and it's affect on the waves themselves. Of course many of you long timers already know this, so for us newbies... please watch and learn.... I sure did.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

New "Old" Take on CW Code

I ran across this on an email list that I subscribe to "Larry's List". This is a very informative group and lots of different things are posted from FCC rule updates, antenna ideas, ham equipment for sale ( $500 Yaesu 857 recently ). And this little video posted below... kind of a new "old" take on learning CW.

Here is a link to the website and a place to sign up and be added to the mailing list !

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bob Heil and Ham Nation

I noticed at the Joplin Hamfest, many of you did not know about the web cast show Ham Nation starring Bob Heil. Heil was at the hamfest and gave a presentation on audio quality. You can see these episodes on YouTube, The TWIT website or on the ROKU device. He talked briefly about the hamfest but these guys are fun to watch!